Whole & Term Life Insurance: Which One is Right for You?

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Picture of Jake Tamarkin, MBA

Jake Tamarkin, MBA

Jake is a nationally-licensed insurance agent with a Masters in Business Administration and CEO of Everyday Life. His expertise has been featured in: Investopedia, Life Insurers Council, Insurance Thought Leadership, Life-Annuity Agent, and Insurtech Insights.

What’s the difference between whole and term life insurance? The main difference is in the duration of coverage. Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period (such as 10, 20, or 30 years). Whole life insurance provides coverage for the entire lifetime of the insured individual. Let’s dive into more detail about the difference between the two, and which plan might be right for you.

Term vs. Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance remains in force as long as premiums are paid and for the duration of the insured individual’s life. Term life insurance provides coverage for the number of years selected by the insured individual. What are the benefits of each policy type?

Benefits of Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance policies generally have lower premiums compared to whole life insurance policies. This is because term policies have a fixed duration and do not accumulate cash value over time. Whole life insurance, on the other hand, has higher premiums because a portion of the premium goes towards building cash value, which grows over time and can be accessed by the policyholder through withdrawals or policy loans.

Term life insurance is commonly used for specific financial obligations with a fixed duration, such as covering a mortgage or providing income replacement during the working years. It is typically less expensive and provides straightforward coverage for a specific period.

Benefits of Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance policies have a cash value component, which is a savings or investment component of the policy. A portion of the premium paid towards a whole life policy accumulates as cash value, which grows tax-deferred over time. This cash value can be borrowed against or withdrawn by the policyholder during their lifetime. Term life insurance policies do not build cash value since they are designed solely to provide a death benefit.

Whole life insurance is often seen as a tool for long-term financial planning and wealth transfer. It provides lifelong coverage and the ability to accumulate cash value, making it suitable for individuals who want permanent life insurance coverage and potential access to cash value for various financial needs. There’s a big cost tradeoff to these types of policies, however, these plans are typically very expensive and extracting the cash value is complex. You can read more about the cash value component here

Who Should Consider Term Life Insurance?

Term life insurance is well-suited for individuals who have specific financial obligations or needs for a limited duration. You might consider term life insurance if you are a:

  • Parent with Dependents. Individuals who have young children or other dependents relying on their income may benefit from term life insurance. It can provide financial protection for a specific period, such as until the children become financially independent or until a mortgage is paid off.
  • Breadwinner. If you are the primary earner in your family and your income supports your household’s financial stability, term life insurance can ensure that your loved ones are protected financially in the event of your premature death.
  • Homeowner with a Mortgage. Homeowners who have outstanding mortgage debt may consider term life insurance to cover the remaining balance of their mortgage. This ensures that if the homeowner passes away during the term, the insurance proceeds can be used to pay off the mortgage, relieving the financial burden on the surviving family members.
  • Budget-Conscious Individual. Term life insurance generally has lower premiums compared to whole life insurance, making it an affordable option for individuals with a limited budget but still seeking coverage for a certain period.
  • Young & Healthy Individual. Younger and healthier individuals typically qualify for lower premiums on term life insurance policies. Therefore, obtaining term coverage early in life can be a cost-effective way to secure protection for future financial obligations.

Who Should Consider Whole Life Insurance?

Whole life insurance can be an excellent option for:

  • Individuals Seeking Lifelong Coverage. If you want life insurance coverage that will remain in force for your entire lifetime, whole life insurance is the way to go. It guarantees a death benefit payout to your beneficiaries whenever you pass away, regardless of your age or health condition.
  • Estate Planning. Whole life insurance can be an effective tool for estate planning. It helps individuals ensure that their loved ones are financially protected and can provide an inheritance or cover estate taxes upon their passing. The cash value component can be used to supplement retirement income or leave a financial legacy.
  • Business Owners. Whole life insurance can play a crucial role in business succession planning. It can provide funds for a smooth transition of ownership or buyout of a deceased partner’s shares. Additionally, the cash value can be utilized to fund business expansion or act as collateral for loans.
  • Individuals with Long-Term Financial Goals. Whole life insurance can serve as a part of a long-term financial strategy. The cash value component accumulates over time, and policyholders can access it through policy loans or withdrawals. It can be used for various purposes, such as funding education, supplementing retirement income, or covering unforeseen expenses.
  • Individuals with Complex Financial Situations. Whole life insurance offers stability and certainty, making it attractive for individuals with complex financial situations. It can provide a guaranteed death benefit and a fixed premium amount, which can help individuals with budgeting and financial planning.
  • Individuals with High Net Worth. Whole life insurance can be utilized as a component of wealth transfer and preservation for high networth individuals. It can provide liquidity to pay estate taxes, equalize inheritances among heirs, or create a charitable legacy.

Find The Best Life Insurance With Everyday Life

Each and every person brings unique circumstances and financial goals to the table. At Everyday Life Insurance, we throw all cookie cutter approaches aside. We’ll take a look at your individual case to determine the most affordable option with the best coverage for you. Explore our life insurance calculator to see what kind of offers are waiting for you.

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Disclaimer: The comments, opinions, and analyses expressed at Everyday Life are for informational purposes only and should not be considered individual investment, legal or tax advice.

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