How Predictive Protection Technology From Everyday Life Insurance Takes the Guesswork Out of Life Insurance

Key Takeaways:

  • Our unique approach to life insurance uses Predictive Protection™ to analyze your coverage needs.
  • It makes sure you’re not burdened with paying for too much or worried about not having enough life insurance.
  • While your finances and family situation will determine whether you need insurance, technology makes it more accessible.
  • Our Predictive Protection™ policies include policy laddering to make coverage affordable without sacrificing financial security for your family.

What’s the most important factor you look for when evaluating potential life insurance companies? You might guess that the amount of coverage you get and the price you pay top the list.

But have you thought about how a company calculates how much life insurance you need? After all, how much coverage you buy is a big part of what you pay.

If you’re like most people, you use the company’s online calculator to tell you how much life insurance to buy. But that’s putting a lot of trust in the company’s use of technology. Not only does it determine the cost of your premiums, but the financial well-being of your loved ones is at stake, too.

As you can see, the insurance company’s technology is a significant factor when considering buying a policy.

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Everyday Life Insurance Does Things Differently

Life insurance shouldn’t be complicated. Or expensive. That’s why we’re using technology to change the way everyday people get their life insurance.

Generally, to figure out how much life insurance you need, you must consider factors such as:

  • Your debt
  • Income replacement
  • Marital status
  • Standard of living
  • Your family size

That’s a lot of math.

Could you imagine how long it would take you to figure out how much coverage to buy with so many things to consider?

And what if you got it wrong? Your loved ones are depending on you! That’s why you shouldn’t leave life insurance to chance.

Using Predictive Protection™, our algorithm is specifically designed to remove the guesswork and focus on your entire situation.

Simply put, we do the math better.

Predictive Protection™ Technology Takes the Guesswork Out of Life Insurance

Our technology uses policy laddering to make sure you’re getting the right amount of life insurance without overpaying for coverage you don’t need. Our advanced Predictive Protection™ technology processes your information to build a policy that steps down your coverage over time.

It works because your needs change as time goes on.

The amount of coverage you need at age 30 isn’t the same as what you’ll need at 50. Your kids will grow up, you’ll pay down your mortgage, and you’ll build wealth as you get closer to retirement.

By using a term laddering plan, you save money without sacrificing financial security for your family. Most people see a 25% savings right away. And over the term of your policy? You could save 50% or more.

If you want to see how Predictive Protection™ works, click here to use The Ultimate Life Insurance Calculator. It’s all online, and we won’t even ask for your email address or phone number.

Disclaimer: The comments, opinions, and analyses expressed at Everyday Life are for informational purposes only and should not be considered individual investment, legal or tax advice.

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